DR 98-038
                               BELL ATLANTIC
                         WorkSmart Package Tariff
             Order Granting Motion for Proprietary Treatment 
                         O R D E R  N O.  22,950  
                               June 8, 1998
         On March 20, 1998, New England Telephone and
     Telegraph Company, d/b/a Bell Atlantic (Bell Atlantic),
     filed with the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission
     (Commission), certain tariff pages for effect April 19,
     1998, introducing the WorkSmart Package, which offers a
     choice of pre-set feature groupings to business subscribers
     who commit to a term agreement.  In support of the filing,
     Bell Atlantic filed a description of the new offering, a
     market forecast, and a contribution analysis (WorkSmart
     Support Information).  By letter dated April 6, 1998, the
     Commission approved the WorkSmart Package, permitting the
     specified tariff pages to go into effect automatically
     pursuant to RSA 378:3, RSA 378:6, and N.H. Admin. Rule
         On the same date it filed the WorkSmart Package
     tariff pages, Bell Atlantic filed a Motion for Confidential
     Treatment, seeking to exempt from disclosure portions of
     the WorkSmart Support Information (the Information),
     pursuant to RSA 91-A and N.H. Admin. Rule Puc 204.06.  Bell
     Atlantic filed the WorkSmart Support Information in
     redacted form as well as full, unredacted copies.  Pursuant
     to Puc 204.05(b), documents submitted to the Commission or
     Staff accompanied by a motion for confidentiality are not
     disclosed to the public and are maintained as provided in
     Puc 204.06(d) until the Commission rules on the Motion for
     Confidential Treatment.
         In its motion, Bell Atlantic states that the
     Information contains competitively sensitive data that is
     within the exemptions from disclosure set forth in RSA
     91-A:5,IV and N.H. Admin. Rules, Puc 204.06, including
     targeted market demand forecasts, costs and revenue
     projections.  Bell Atlantic avers that the Information is
     not readily available to competitors, would be of value to
     competitors in developing competitive marketing strategies,
     and is regularly protected from disclosure or dissemination
     in the company's ordinary course of business.  The
     Information provides revenue and demand forecasts at
     specific price points for specific market segments and was
     developed at significant expense and effort. A Bell
     Atlantic Product Manager, Deborah A. Pelles, attests that
     the Information is compiled from internal data bases that
     are not publicly available and which are protected from
     dissemination either by Bell Atlantic employees or by
     non-Bell Atlantic employees.
         The Information was useful for review of the
     WorkSmart Package.  We find that the Information contained
     in the filing meets the requirements of N.H. Admin. Rule
     Puc 204.06 (b) and (c).  Based on the company's
     representations, under the balancing test we have applied
     in prior cases, e.g., Re New England Telephone Company
     (Auditel), 80 NHPUC 437 (1995); Re Bell Atlantic, Order No.
     22,851 (February 17, 1998); Re EnergyNorth Natural Gas,
     Inc., Order No. 22,859 (February 24, 1998), we find that
     the benefits to Bell Atlantic of non-disclosure in this
     case outweigh the benefits to the public of disclosure. 
     The Information should be exempt from public disclosure
     pursuant to RSA 91-A:5,IV and N.H. Admin. Rule 204.06.   
         Based upon the foregoing, it is hereby
         ORDERED, that Bell Atlantic's Motion for
     Proprietary Treatment is GRANTED; and it is
         FURTHER ORDERED, that this Order is subject to
     the ongoing rights of the Commission, on its own motion or
     on the motion of Staff, any party or any other member of
     the public, to reconsider this Order in light of RSA 91-A,
     should circumstances so warrant.
         By order of the Public Utilities Commission of
     New Hampshire this eighth day of June, 1998.
        Douglas L. Patch  Bruce B. Ellsworth     Susan S. Geiger
            Chairman         Commissioner         Commissioner
     Attested by:
     Thomas B. Getz
     Executive Director and Secretary